Tampon Case: Vinnie's Spankin' New Hi-Performance Case
Tampon Case: Vinnie's Spankin' New Hi-Performance Case
The VTC Classic® is a 100% cotton canvas case with two interior pockets that'll hold & protect nearly all period-related products, including: applicator tampons, non-apps (non-applicator tampons), pads, liners, cups, sponges, as well as lipstick, nunchucks, wads of cash, gum, or a couple of those small red boxes of raisins your momz used to pack in your lunch.
Is it durable?!! Little dogs may fight you for it to show off their stamp collection at the dog park but tell 'em to get their own flippin' case!
Every case comes complete with a Vinnie’s HANDY PERIOD CHART®. Keep track of your period-having-pal's cycle so you'll always know when to go to the sto to get them mo choco*, bro! (*chocolate. Natch.)
Once upon a time in Brooklyn (like mad years ago, bro) this guy named Vinnie sewed up a bunch of canvas tampon cases with his cartoon face silkscreened on 'em along with the words Vinnie's Tampon Case and decided to give them out for free on the subways and streets of NYC to anyone who asked for one. True story.
To get people to ask, Vinnie had the words "I'm Vinnie, Ask me for a Free Vinnie's Tampon Case!" embroidered onto the back of a vintage red polyester bowling shirt he picked up at Canal Jeans on B'way. To Vinnie's pleasant surprise, it turned out a lot of peeps on the Downtown F train, or in the mosh pit at a Sleater Kinney show, or in line for slices at Two Boots on Avenue A had no problem asking a guy in a slightly wrinkled bowling shirt for a free tampon case!
So, Vinnie kept making more cases from his one room apartment-- as the J trains rumbled right outside his 9th floor window on their way over the Manhattan Bridge. Today, nearly half a million peeps around the world use a Vinnie's Tampon Cases® every month to keep their period products safe in the bottom of their back-packs, back-pockets & bowling bags. As a result, millions of nose-wiping, butt scratching boys, upon seeing the bright and bold Vinnie's Tampon Cases® in their period pal's bag, snap to attention and ask... "Yo! What's a Vinnie's Tampon Case?"